Time-dependent Mechanical Properties and Structural Behaviour of Graphene Nanoplatelet-reinforced Concrete
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Concrete with high volumes of supplementary cementitious materials often have lower early age compressive strength and slower strength gain with time. It has been reported that the addition of graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) enhances concrete compressive strength. However, the ability of GNPs to increase the early age concrete compressive strength has not been investigated, and there has been limited testing of structural elements of GNP-containing concrete. This study examines the mechanical properties of low cement concrete between 1- and 28-days of curing with varying GNP concentrations. Furthermore, reinforced concrete beams with GNPs were tested at 3 and 28 days to investigate their structural behaviour. The results show compressive strength increases of up to 31% at early ages for a GNP concentration of 0.15 wt% of cement, but no overall changes in the structural behaviour.
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