Exploring the origin and potential for spread of the 2013 dengue outbreak in Luanda, Angola


Introduction: Dengue in Africa is underreported. Simultaneous reports of travellers with dengue returning from Luanda, Angola, to six countries on four continents suggest that a major dengue outbreak is currently occurring in Angola, South West Africa.

Methods: To identify the origin of the imported dengue virus, we sequenced the virus from Angola and investigated the interconnectivity via air travel between dengue-endemic countries and Angola.

Results and Conclusion: Our analyses show that the Angola outbreak was most likely caused by an endemic virus strain that had been circulating in West Africa for many years. We also show that Portugal and South Africa are most likely at the highest risk of importation of dengue from Angola due to the large number of air passengers between Angola and these countries.



dengue, Angola, dengue sequence, international travel, dengue in Africa


Sessions OM, Khan K, Hou Y, Meltzer E, Quam M, Schwartz E, Gubler DJ, Wilder-Smith A. (2013). Exploring the origin and potential for spread of the 2013 dengue outbreak in Luanda, Angola. Global Health Action. 6: 21822.




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