Grey Matter: Perspectives in Teaching Elementary Students with Acquired Brain Injury in Ontario
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As a result of the uncategorized status of acquired brain injury (ABI) as an exceptionality under the Ontario Education Act (1990), students with ABI are provided minimal support in the school setting. The literature reviewed revealed interventions to be a consistent area of research, and that there exists a discrepancy in the field which reflects the lack of evidence-based research exploring ABI as a recognized exceptionality. The study assumed a qualitative research approach and collected data through semi-structured interviews with two elementary teacher participants from Ontario schools. The study addressed the primary research question: What are the challenges facing teachers who teach and support students with ABI? Key findings that emerged from this research study include teachers' knowledge in ABI, the demands of the classroom, the absence of specific ABI protocols, and the quality of support from the home-school-community network. Recommendations are provided based on the implications influenced by the key findings. If teachers are to establish equitable classrooms, they must be prepared with knowledge relevant to the realities of the classroom in order to be genuine ambassadors of equity in education for all.
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