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  • ItemOpen Access
    The use of artificial neural networks for modelling rumen fill
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-08-05) Adebayo, Rasheed Adekunle; Moyo, Mehluli; Gueguim-Kana, Evariste Bosco; Nsahlai, Ignatius Verla
    Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Random Forest models for predicting rumen fill of cattle and sheep were developed. Data on rumen fill were collected from studies that reported body weights, measured rumen fill and stated diets fed to animals. Animal and feed factors that affected rumen fill were identified from each study and used to create a dataset. These factors were used as input variables for predicting the weight of rumen fill. For ANN modelling, a three-layer Levenberg-Marquardt Back Propagation Neural Network was adopted and achieved 96% accuracy in prediction of the weight of rumen fill. The precision of the ANN model’s prediction of rumen fill was higher for cattle (80%) than sheep (56%). On validation, the ANN model achieved 95% accuracy in prediction of the weight of rumen fill. A Random Forest model was trained using a binary tree-based machine-learning algorithm and achieved 87% accuracy in prediction of rumen fill. The Random Forest model achieved 16% (cattle) and 57% (sheep) accuracy in validation of the prediction of rumen fill. In conclusion, the ANN model gave better predictions of rumen fill compared to the Random Forest model and should be used in predicting rumen fill of cattle and sheep.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of replacing barley silage with calcium oxide-treated barley straw on rumen fermentation, rumen microbiota, nutrient digestibility and growth performance of finishing beef cattle.
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-11-16) Stehr, Katelyn R; Terry, Stephanie A.; de Oliveira Ribeiro, Gabriel; Gruninger, Robert; Penner, Gregory B.; McKinnon, John; Gibb, Darryl; McAllister, Tim A.
    Effect of calcium oxide (CaO) treatment of barley straw and salt on rumen fermentation, microbiota, digestibility, growth and carcass quality of cattle was assessed. A replicated 4 4 Latin square metabolism experiment was conducted using 8 heifers fed a wheat finishing diet with barley silage (B-SIL), barley straw (B-S), or 5.0% CaO-treated barley straw (CaOS) with or without NaCl (CaOS-NS). Growth over 115-d was assessed using 75 individually housed steers fed the above diets and an additional diet (I-CaOS), where CaO was added to straw just before feeding. There was no effect (P ≥ 0.08) of diet on rumen fermentation, digestibility or carcass quality, although CaO decreased (P
  • ItemOpen Access
    Invited Review: Effects of colostrum management on transfer of passive immunity and the potential role of colostral bioactive components on neonatal calf development and metabolism
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-12-03) Fischer-Tlustos, Amanda J.; Lopez Cabus, Alberto Jose; Hare, Koryn S.; Wood, Katie; Steele, Mike
    Neonatal dairy and beef calves are required to ingest adequate volumes of high-quality colostrum during their first hours of life to acquire transfer of passive immunity. As such, immunoglobulin G (IgG) has largely been the focus of colostrum research over recent decades. Yet, little is known about the additional bioactive compounds in colostrum that potentially influence newborn calf development and metabolism. The purpose of this narrative review is to synthesize research regarding the effects of colostrum management practices on transfer of passive immunity, as well as to address the potential role of additional colostral bioactive molecules, including oligosaccharides, fatty acids, insulin and insulin-like growth factor I, in promoting calf development and metabolism. Due to the importance of IgG in ensuring calf immunity and health, we review past research describing the process of colostrogenesis and dam factors influencing the concentrations of IgG in an effort to maximize transfer of passive immunity. We also address the transfer of additional bioactive compounds in colostrum and prepartum management and dam factors that influence their concentrations. Finally, we highlight key areas of future research for the scientific community to pursue to ultimately improve the health and welfare of neonatal dairy calves.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The impacts of a fibrolytic enzyme additive on digestibility and performance in the grower period, and supplemental Saccharomyces cerevisiae on performance and rumen health in the finisher period for feedlot steers
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-11-05) Williams, Melissa S.; AlZahal, Ousama; Mandell, Ira B.; McBride, Brian; Wood, Katie
    Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of a fibrolytic enzyme pretreatment on growth performance, apparent total tract digestibility, and ruminal pH throughout the grower and early finisher period (Exp. 1), and to examine the impact of Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation on intake, performance, and indicators of gut health in the late finisher period (Exp. 2). Fifty-four steers were randomly assigned to a subgroup determining experimental treatment groups. In Exp. 1, steers were randomized to: control (CON1; no enzyme) or enzyme (ENZ; 0.75 ml kg-1 DM of feed) dietary treatments. Digestibility was improved (P≤0.05) in ENZ steers for DM, CP, NEg, and sugars, but did not affect (P≥0.12) DMI, ADG, or reticulo-ruminal pH. In Exp. 2, the treatments were: control (CON2; no yeast) or yeast (YST; 3.0 g animal-1 daily) supplemented diets. Rumen papillae were collected for mRNA expression of gut barrier function (OCLN, CLDN, ZO1, ZO2) and immune response (TLR2, TLR4, FCAR) genes and histological measurements. YST decreased (P
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of xylanase and live yeast supplementation on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and gut microbiome diversity of pigs
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-09-01) Lu, Hang; Yan, Hui; Masey O'Neill, Helen; Bradley, Casey; Bedford, Mike R.; Wilcock, Pete; Nakatsu, Cindy; Adeola, O.; Ajuwon, Kolapo Matthew
    Effect of Xylanase (Xyl) and live yeast (LY) supplementation on gut microbiome composition, growth performance and nutrient digestibility of weanling pigs was determined. A total of 180 weanling pigs were assigned to 5 treatments from weaning to market. Treatments were designated based on whether Xyl, LY or their combination were fed in the first two weeks postweaning or thereafter until finishing at d 141 postweaning. Treatments were (d 1- 15; d 15-141): control-control, control-Xyl, Xyl-Xyl, LY-Xyl, Xyl+LY-Xyl. Xylanase was added at 16,000 BXU/kg and LY at 1 kg/t. Pigs fed with LY and LY+Xyl from d 0-15 had greater body weight (BW) and average daily gain (ADG) at d 15 compared with control (P
  • ItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of dietary coated omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on reproduction performance, growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood profiles in lactating sows and suckling piglets
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-10-31) Wang, Huan; Yun, Hyeok-Min; Kim, In Ho
    A total of 16 sows (Landrace Yorkshire) were used in a 33-day trial (7 days before expected parturition) to determine the effects of dietary coated omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on reproduction performance, growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood profiles in lactating sows and suckling piglets. Pigs were randomly allotted into two treatments with 8 replicates per treatment and the parity was 4.9. The dietary treatments were as follows: CON, corn-soybean meal based diet (omega-6:omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) ratio of 17:1) and TRT, CON + 0.9% omega-3 PUFA (omega-6:omega-3 PUFA ratio of 5:1). The supplementation of coated omega-3 increased piglet’s body weight (BW) (d 7) and average daily gain (ADG) (d 0 to d 7) (P
  • ItemOpen Access
    Changes in carcass traits, meat quality, muscle fiber characteristics and liver function of finishing pigs fed high level of fish oil
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-12-01) Guo, Qiuping; Zhang, Lingyu; Duan, Yehui; Wang, Wenlong; Huang, Ruilin; Li, Fengna
    The study was aimed to investigate the changes in carcass traits, meat quality, muscle fiber characteristics, and liver function in pigs fed with high levels of fresh fish oil and oxidized fish oil. About 30 piglets were randomly assigned to receive basal diet plus 2% fish oil (LFO), basal diet plus 8% fish oil (HFO), or basal diet plus 8% oxidized fish oil (OFO) for 120 d. Pigs of the HFO and OFO group showed reduced carcass weight, dressing percentage, loin eye area, and increased yellowness of the longissimus dorsi muscle compared with LFO group (P < 0.05). Dietary HFO and OFO suppressed the relative expression levels of myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoform (I and II a), glutathione peroxidase 4, and NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase-1 and mitochondrial biogenesis in longissimus dorsi muscle (P < 0.05). Dietary HFO or OFO increased the serum aspartates aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, oxidized low-density lipoprotein, liver index, and concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver (P < 0.05). In conclusion, high levels of fresh fish oil and oxidized fish oil have adverse effects on carcass traits, muscle fiber characteristics, and liver function, which may be partly due to the mitochondrial dysfunction and impaired antioxidative capacity.
  • ItemUnknown
    Radiated temperature of weaned piglets and the response to in-feed antibiotics with correction for ambient conditions
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-10-31) Cook, Nigel J.; Chabot, Brady; Liu, Tong; Froehlich, Denise; Juàrez, Manuel
    Growth performance, health status, and the radiated thermal temperatures of groups of piglets consuming non-medicated feed and in-feed antibiotics (chlortetracycline hydrochloride and tiamulin) were monitored continuously for up to 35 d, from weaning at 28 d of age until moving to commercial pens at approximately 63 d of age. There was a trend (P = 0.1) for body weight at the time of moving to be higher for the medicated animals. The average daily gain was higher in medicated piglets (P = 0.03). Radiated temperature variables were the maximum (Tmax) and the average (Tmean) pig temperatures, and both were higher for the medicated piglets (P < 0.0001). A threshold temperature was derived to partition the image and derive the background radiated temperature that was used to obtain the expected radiated temperature of the pigs. Temperature data were adjusted for environmental effects by expressing the residual temperature. The residual for Tmax (TmaxRes) and for Tmean (TmeanRes) were higher in medicated piglets (P < 0.0001). In-feed antibiotics were associated with increased growth rates and with an increase in radiated temperature variables, particularly those corrected for environmental conditions, possibly mediated through increased metabolic activity related to growth.
  • ItemUnknown
    Characterization of the exosomes in the allantoic fluid of the chicken embryo
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-11-05) Li, Ying; Qu, Hao; Ji, Jian; Wang, Yan; Liu, Tianfei; He, Jingyi; Wang, Jie; Shu, Dingming; Luo, Chenglong
    The embryo stage is critical for chicken development. Numerous studies have been conducted to clarify the dynamic changes and functions of various proteins and the composition of amino acids during embryo development. However, the physiological characteristics of extraembryonic fluid (allantoic and amniotic), especially allantoic fluid (AF), remain largely unexplored; furthermore, how information is transmitted from embryonic fluid is unknown. In this study, AF-derived exosomes ranging from 60 to 160 nm in diameter from fertilized eggs at 13 d of incubation of fast-growth chickens (WG chicken), medium-growth chickens (Silky N4 chicken), and slow-growth chickens (Huiyang Beard chicken) were isolated and purified by different ultra-centrifugations and further verified by transmission electron microscopy and a flow nano-analyzer. Expression of the exosomal positive biomarkers of ALIX and HSP70 as well as lack of the epithelium marker GRP78 was observed by Western blotting. In addition, small RNA sequencing revealed that AF-derived exosomes at 13 d of incubation contained a large number of known miRNAs (32.62%–65.83%). The top 10 most abundant and co-expressed miRNAs were primarily related to development, growth, and immunity. In addition, AF-derived exosomes promoted DF-1 cell migration. These findings broadened our understanding of the characteristic of AF-derived exosomes.
  • ItemUnknown
    The relationship of iodine value with pork carcass weight and composition
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-10-22) Zhou, Ziyu; Wormsbecher, Lisa; Roehrig, Colleen; Smetanin, Maxim; Bohrer, Benjamin M
    This study examined the relationship of iodine value (IV) with carcass weight, fat depth, muscle depth, and predicted lean yield from 37,488 pork carcasses. Five IV categories were formed, which were defined as low (
  • ItemUnknown
    Effect of dietary inclusion of Achyranthes japonica extract on growth performance, fecal microbiota, fecal gas emission, nutrient digestibility, and meat-carcass grade quality traits in finishing pigs
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-11-13) Mohankumar , Thamaraikannan; Kim, Yongmin; Kim, I.H.
    A ten-week experimental trial was carried out to determine the effect of - dietary inclusion of Achyranthes japonica extract (AJE) on finishing pigs overall performance. A total of 150 finishing pigs with initial body weight (BW) of 54.17 2.27 kg were randomly allocated to 5 dietary treatments. The dietary treatments were CON (Basal diet), TRT1 (Basal diet + 0.025% AJE), TRT2 (Basal diet + 0.05% AJE), TRT3 (Basal diet + 0.1% AJE), TRT4 (Basal diet + 0.2% AJE). Dietary AJE supplementation linearly increased BW, average daily gain (ADG), and gain to feed ratio (G:F) during week 5. At week 10 and overall experiment, there was tendency for linear increase in BW, ADG and ADFI. Dietary supplementation of AJE failed to show significant effects on nutrient digestibility, fecal microbiota, meat quality, and fecal gas emission. The dietary supplementation of AJE showed a linear increase in the backfat thickness at week 10 and there was no significant difference observed on the lean meat percentage. In summary, Achyranthes japonica extract supplementation diet had a beneficial effect on the growth performance and backfat thickness and also no effects on nutrient digestibility and fecal microbiota of the finishing pigs.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of a novel hybrid 6-phytase using an updated phosphorus deficiency model in broiler chickens
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-10-21) Wang, Tingting; Jendza, Joshua Allen; Ader, Peter; Adeola, O.
    One-day-old broiler chicks were used to investigate the optimal age to start feeding P-deficient diets with two non-phytate P (nPP) concentrations in exp. 1 and 7-d-old broiler chicks were used to determine P equivalency of a hybrid 6-phytase to inorganic P in monocalcium phosphate in exp. 2. In exp. 1, six treatments were prepared with 5, 6, or 7-d-old birds to start feeding P-deficient diets with 1.3 or 1.5 g kg-1 nPP. Age of birds to start feeding P-deficient diets tended to decrease (P = 0.052) mortality of birds during 14 days of feeding P-deficient diets. In exp. 2, twelve treatments including one basal diet, five diets supplied with 0.5, 0.9, 1.3, 1.7, or 2.1 g kg-1 inorganic P, and six diets supplied with 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, or 2000 FTU kg-1 phytase were fed to chickens from days 7 to 21 post hatching. Increasing phytase activity quadratically increased (P
  • ItemOpen Access
    Translactational associations of dry off management, milking activity, and somatic cell count in herds with automated milking systems
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-11-12) Padua, Felipe; King, Meagan T.M.; DeVries, Trevor J.
    The objective of this study was to evaluate associations of dry off management factors, milking activity, and production data and somatic cell count prior to dry off and early in the subsequent lactation of cows milked by automated systems. Data were collected for 342 cows from 5 farms, for 2 milk tests prior to dry off and for the 2 milk tests post-calving. The results suggest that the post-calving milking performance of cows milked by automated systems may be more associated with individual cow traits than with their dry off management.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Microbial sensing in the pig gut: Effect of diet independent and diet-dependent factors
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-12-09) Wellington, Michael O.; Agyekum, Atta K; Van Kessel, Andrew G.
    There is considerable agreement that the gastrointestinal microbiota contributes to the performance and health of the neonate and this relationship includes an ability of the host animal to “sense” changes in the microbial community. Identifying the mechanisms used by the host to sense microbiota is one approach to developing methods to manipulate the microbiota to improve pig health and performance. Diet independent microbial products are molecules unique to the microbial community and sensed by host pattern recognition receptors stimulating inflammation. Common among all members of the microbial community, their presence is unaffected by diet but the nature of the response does depends on factors affecting the microenvironment in which the molecule is detected. Diet-dependent microbial products arise as products of fermentation of dietary components and include short-chain fatty acids, ammonia, phenols, H2S, amines, and many other compounds. A plethora of sensing mechanisms exists that include enzymatic metabolism as well as membrane receptors that have evolved to respond to microbial products (e.g. short-chain fatty acid receptors), or simply cross-react with microbial products. This review focuses on host mechanisms used to sense the intestinal microbiota and attempts to establish practical considerations for neonatal gut health based on current understanding.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Impact of condensed tannin containing legumes on ruminal fermentation, nutrition and performance in ruminants: a review
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-11-12) Kelln, Breeanna; Penner, Gregory B.; Acharya, Surya N.; McAllister, Tim A.; Lardner, Herbert A.
    Legume forages, such as sainfoin, and birdsfoot trefoil can increase the forage quality and quantity of western Canadian pastures, thus increasing producer profitability due to increased gains in grazing ruminants, while reducing risk of bloat in legume pastures due to the presence of proanthocyanidins. Proanthocyanidins or condensed tannins (CT) are secondary plant polyphenol compounds that have been regarded as anti-nutritional due to their ability to bind protein in feeds, enzymes, and microbial cells, therefore disrupting microbial digestion and slowing ruminal protein and dry matter digestion. Research has shown that at high concentrations (>50 g kg-1 DM), CT can disrupt microbial digestion. However, at low dietary inclusion rates (5-10 g kg-1 DM) they reduce bloat risk, and increase ruminal undegradable protein (RUP), reduce enteric methane production, and confer anthelmintic activity. Yet, research gaps still exist regarding grazing persistence and forage yield of novel CT containing forages and their biological activity due to their vast differences in CT stereochemistry, polymer size, and intermolecular linkages. The objectives of this review are to summarize information regarding the impact of CT on ruminal fermentation, carbohydrate and protein metabolism, and the potential to identify and select for forages that contain condensed tannins for ruminant production.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of the dietary grain content on rumen and fecal microbiota of dairy cows
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-11-11) Kotz, Allan; Azevedo, Paula A.; Khafipour, Ehsan; Plaizier, J.C.
    Six non-lactating Holstein dairy cows received diets with forage to grain mixture ratios of 100:0 (G0), 75:25 (G25), and 50:50 (G50) that contained 0.5, 10.0, and 19.5 % DM of starch, respectively. Rumen fluid and feces were sampled and methane emissions were determined during the last week of 5 wk experimental periods. Taxonomic compositions of microbiota were determined using Illumina s16S rRNA sequencing. Increased grain feeding increased the acidity and VFA concentrations of rumen fluid and feces, and decreased methane emissions expressed as L/kg DM. Microbial diversities were highest for G25. The numbers of identified genera in rumen fluid were 185, 182, and 171 for G0, G25, and G50, respectively. In feces, these numbers were 197, 182, and 171 for these diets respectively. In rumen digesta, 7 genera were correlated positively to G0 and negatively to G50, and 6 genera were correlated negatively to G0 and positively to G50. In feces, 16 genera were correlated positively to G0 and negatively to G50, and 13 genera were correlated negatively to G0 and positively to G50. Increasing grain feeding affected a limited number of genera in rumen digesta and feces. This could not explain treatment effects on the functionalities of microbiota.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Projected economic losses from milk performance detriments under heat stress in Qubec dairy herds.
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-08-03) Ouellet, Veronique; Grenier, Patrick; Santschi, Debora E.; Cabrera, Victor; Fadul-Pacheco, Liliana; Charbonneau, Edith
    The objective of this study was to estimate economic losses associated with milk performance detriments under different climate scenarios. A dataset containing milk records of Holstein and daily temperature-humidity indexes compiled over 6 years in two contrasting climatic dairy regions of Quebec Province [Eastern and Southwestern Quebec] was used to develop equations for modeling milk performance. Milk performance, including milk, fat, protein, and lactose yields of dairy herds (kg j-1), were then projected considering six plausible climate scenarios during a climatic reference period [REF: 1971 to 2000] and two future periods [FUT1: 2020 to 2049; FUT2: 2050 to 2079]. Economic losses were assessed by comparing future to reference milk prices based on components. Results indicated that fat and protein yields could decline in the future, thus resulting in economic losses ranging from 5.34 to 7.07 can$ hL-1 in Eastern Quebec, and from 5.03 to 6.99 can$ hL-1 in Southwestern Quebec, depending on the amplitude of future temperature and humidity changes and on whether it is milk quota or cow number which is adjusted to avoid under-quota production. The projected increase in occurrence and duration of heat stress episodes under climate change could result in substantial financial harm for producers, thereby reinforcing the necessity of implementing heat-abatement strategies on dairy farms.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Performance of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy in pork shoulder as a predictor for pork belly softness
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-08-07) Soladoye, Olugbenga Philip; Lam, Stephanie; Prieto Benavides, Nuria; Uttaro, B.; Aalhus, J. L.; Larsen, Ivy L.; Shand, Phyllis; Gariepy, Claude; Jurez, Manuel
    Pork belly quality indicators are economically relevant in the pork industry. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy of the pork shoulder outer subcutaneous fat layer, belly flop angle and subjective softness scores of the pork belly were measured (n=144) to determine the accuracy of pork shoulder NIR spectroscopy as a predictor of pork belly softness. The NIR spectra hot carcass estimates explained over 80.0% variability in pork belly softness (80.5–90.8%), with low prediction error, suggesting that NIR spectroscopy measured in the pork shoulder is an efficient and accurate indicator of pork belly softness to classify pork bellies for specific market demands
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effects of feeding blend-pelleted co-products on nutrients intake, digestibility, and production performance of high producing dairy cows
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-09-02) Ismael, Aya; Guevara-Oquendo, Victor H.; Refat, Basim; Feng, Xin; Yu, Peiqiang
    The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of feeding newly-developed blend-pelleted carinata meal (BPPCR) and blend-pelleted canola meal (BPPCN) on nutrients intake, digestibility, and production performance of high producing dairy cows. In this study, nine mid-lactating Holstein cows (BW 679 124 kg; DIM 96 22) were used in a triplicated 33 Latin Square study. Within each square, each cow was randomly assigned to one of the three treatments: Control (typical barley-based diet in western Canada); BPPCR (soybean and canola meal in the control diet replaced by blend-pelleted carinata meal), BPPCN (soybean and canola meal in the control diet replaced by blend-pelleted canola meal). Each period lasted for 21 days, with the first 14 days as an adaptation period. The total collection of feces and urine were conducted on six cows from two Latin squares. The results showed that there were no treatment effects on milk yield, milk composition, milk yield, and nutrients intake and digestibility (P > 0.10). The nitrogen balance among the three treatment groups was not different either. In conclusion, replacing soybean meal and canola meal with blend-pelleted co-products did not affect the nutrient intake, digestibility, and production performance in high producing dairy cows.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Digestibility of amino acids in pigs fed distillers dried grains with solubles derived from corn, sorghum, and triticale
    (Canadian Science Publishing, 2020-08-17) Park, Chan Sol; Ragland, Darryl; Adeola, O.
    An experiment was conducted to determine the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) in distillers dried grains with solubles derived from corn (C-DDGS), sorghum (S-DDGS), and triticale (T-DDGS) fed to growing pigs. A total of 16 barrows (initial body weight = 23.1 2.03 kg) surgically fitted with T-cannulas at the distal ileum were divided into 4 groups based on body weight and assigned to a quadruplicated 4 2 incomplete Latin Square design with 4 dietary treatments and 2 experimental periods. Three diets containing C-DDGS, S-DDGS, or T-DDGS and a nitrogen-free diet were fed in each experimental period consisting of 5-d adaptation and 2-d ileal digesta collection. Pigs fed S-DDGS had less (P