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Item Open Access Impact of low crude protein diets containing animal byproducts on growth performance, nitrogen excretion, meat yield and quality in broiler chickens(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-10-01) Askri, Amani; de Rauglaudre, Théophane; Létourneau-Montminy, Marie-Pierre; Alnahhas, NabeelThis study examined the impact of a low crude protein (CP) diet incorporating meat and bone meal (MBM) as an alternative (AD) to standard diet, on broiler performance, nitrogen intake, excretion, and meat quality. A total of 846 male Ross 308 chicks were assigned to two diets in a randomized complete block design with 9 replicates of 47 birds/replicate. The diets were a plant-based control (20.4 and 19.5% CP) and an AD diet (-2.0% CP, +2.5% MBM) in the grower and finisher phases. Compared to the control, the AD diet reduced nitrogen intake (P = 0.01) and excretion (PItem Open Access Animal and Farm Factors Affecting the Fatty Acid Profile and Amyloid A Concentration of Milk on Quebec Dairy Farms(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-05-16) Mowete, S. Y.; Santschi, Debora E.; Kwiatkowski, K.; Azevedo, Paula; De Neve, N.; Fievez, Veerle; Plaizier, J.C.Relationships between farm and animal factors and the fatty acid (FA) profile and milk amyloid A (MAA) content of milk were determined in 336 Holstein dairy cows on 24 Quebec farms using multiple regression. Cows with a somatic cell count (SCC) above 200,000, and farms feeding palm oil were excluded. Independent factors of the regression models included days in milk (DIM), parity, yield, fat and protein contents of milk, SCC, and the dietary contents of neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and crude fat (CFAT). Non- significant variables with P-values >0.25 were stepwise removed. Models with high fits were those of total short chain FA, medium chain FA, odd- and branched-chain FA (OBCFA), and saturated long chain FA with R2 of 0.33, 0.36, 0.34, and 0.41, respectively. The fat and protein contents and yield of milk did not affect the milk FA profile. Higher NDF increased the milk fat proportions of short chain FA and OBCFA and decreased those of monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated FA (PUFA). Higher CFAT reduced this proportion of short chain FA but increased those of MUFA and PUFA. Increasing DIM reduced this proportion of short chain FA and increased that of medium chain FA. Higher SCC increased MAA.Item Open Access The effect of temperature and humidity index on egg-laying and hatching parameters in Japanese quail(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-11-03) Çiftci, Hüseyin BakiThe objective was to measure the effect of temperature-humidity index (THI) on egg laying and hatching parameters. Quails were randomly transferred to two cage blocks at 20.55 ± 0.05ºC and 52.25 ± 0.68% relative humidity (RH), accepted as 66 THI group. One cage block was transferred to the next room at 16.15 ± 0.13ºC and 70.77 ± 0,38 % RH considered as 61 THI group. In the second stage of the study, the cage block previously accepted as 61 THI group, was considered as to 69 THI group by rising up the temperature to 21.97 ± 0.18 ºC. The group previously considered as 66 THI group was accepted as 76 THI group by rising up the temperature to 28.06 ± 0.02 ºC. Feed consumption and egg weight were significantly decreased, in 69 and 76 THI groups. Daily egg production was lower in 61 and 66 THI groups than that in 69 THI group. In 76 THI group, shell weight and yolk height, were decreased. High THI caused negative effects on feed consumption, egg weight, egg quality and feed conversion ratio.Item Open Access Characterization of First Cut Alfalfa and Grass Silage Management Practices on Canadian Dairy Farms(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-06-01) Plett, C.; McLean, Nancy L.; Lafreniere, Carole; Bittman, Shabtai; Ominski, Kim; Plaizier, J.C.Production practices for first cut alfalfa (ALF), alfalfa-grass (AFG) and grass silages (GRS) were surveyed on dairy farms in four Canadian regions, i.e. British Columbia (BC, n=21), Prairies (PRA, n=32), Central Canada (CEN, n=218), and Atlantic Canada (ATL, n=17). Results are presented as percentages of responses by region; forage type, silo type, wilting method and inoculant use varied among regions. In CEN (93.0%), ATL (88.2%), and PRA (68.8%) AFG was most common. In BC, GRS was most common (66.7%). ALF was only reported in the PRA (28.1%) and CEN (5.6%). Respondents from BC only reported bunkers (52.4%) and baleage (28.6%). Bunkers were most common in PRA (31.3%), followed by baleage (28.1%), piles (18.8%) and tower silos (6.3%). In CEN tower silos were most common (37.2%), followed by bunkers (33.9%), baleage (22.0%), and piles (1.8%). In ATL bunkers (29.4%) and baleage (29.4%) were most common, followed by tower silos (17.7%), and piles (11.8%). Wilting was mostly done in windrows: BC (55.0%), PRA (45.0%), CEN (77.1%), and ATL (71.0%). In BC and ATL, 45% and 17.7%, respectively, of respondents used tedders to enhance wilting. In BC, CEN, ATL, and PRA, 55%, 58.3%, 64.7% and 44.8% respectively of respondents used inoculants.Item Open Access Effect of a microencapsulated complex of biofactors and antioxidants on the growth performance, plasma biochemistry, intestinal morphology, microbiota, and immune and antioxidant status of broiler chickens challenged with cold stress.(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-10-23) Oretomiloye, Fisayo; Lahaye, Ludovic; Adewole, DeborahThe study examined the effects of a microencapsulated complex of biofactors and antioxidants [P(BF+AOx)] on growth and health status of broiler chickens challenged with cold stress. Day-old broilers were allotted to 4 treatments in a 2x2 factorial design with 2 dietary treatments:1)Control (CON;corn-wheat-soybean-based), and 2)CON + 0.015% P(BF+AOx) and 2 thermal treatments:1)Thermoneutral (TN; 29°C±1 on d8-10, 54h), and 2)Cold stress (CS; 20°C on d8-10, 54h). Treatments were allocated to 6 replicates, with 8 chicks/replicate. Growth performance was measured weekly from d 0-21. On d14, 2birds/cage were euthanized. Cold stress reduced (PItem Open Access Simulation of loading and unloading through ramps of different configuration: effects on the ease of handling and physiological response of pigs of two slaughter weights(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-07-08) Zoratti, Aloma; Gonçalves Vero, Jessica; Genova, Jansller Luiz; Devillers, Nicolas; Conte, Sabine; Bridi, Ana Maria; Piasentier, Edi; Faucitano, LuigiBehaviour, heart rate (HR) and blood lactate concentration of 144 pigs, equally distributed into lighter (L, 122 kg on average) and heavier (H, 153 kg on average) groups, were assessed to study the effects of slaughter weight on pigs’ response to a simulated loading and unloading procedure using four ramp configurations, i.e., 0º (level ramp), 15º slope and 1.66 m length, 15º slope and 2.71 m length (15ºLO), and 25º slope and 1.66 m. No interaction was found between ramp configuration and slaughter weight (P > 0.10). The frequencies of pigs’ slips or falls (P = 0.01) increased on sloped ramps compared to the floor level (PadjItem Open Access Effects of space allowance on behaviour during lairage, stress physiology, skin lesion scores and meat quality of market-weight pigs transported in an actively-ventilated vehicle in the summer(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-09-23) Pasquale, Vanessa; Bergeron, Renée; Devillers, Nicolas; Conte, Sabine; Faucitano, LuigiThis study aimed at assessing the effects of space allowance on microclimate and pig stress during transportation in a mechanically-ventilated vehicle. On each journey (6), 114 pigs were randomly assigned to different space allowances (0.46, 0.49 or 0.59 m2/pig) tested in the near-front, middle and near-rear compartments and on the top, middle and bottom decks. In each compartment, ambient conditions (e.g., T°C and RH%) were monitored. Behaviour was recorded during lairage. A total of 162 pigs were selected for the analysis of blood hematocrit proportion and lactate, and creatine kinase (CK) concentrations, and the evaluation of meat quality in the loin and ham muscles. The bottom deck was more humid before and during transport (P ≤ 0.05) and pigs from this location stood and drank more in lairage (PItem Open Access Effects of pre-farrow feeding time on the farrowing time and duration in sows and litter outcomes(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-10-18) Kpogo, Livingstone Agbee; Panisson, Josiane C; Frobose, Hyatt L.; Columbus, Daniel AllanThe objective of the study was to determine the effect of time of feeding pre-farrow on farrowing time and duration. Two hundred and ninety-eight (298) mixed parity sows were assigned to morning (0700 h) or evening (1900 h) feeding upon entry into the farrowing room until farrowing. More sows from the morning-fed group farrowed between 0700 and 1500 h than the evening-fed group (51.43 vs. 21.95%, PItem Open Access Assessing the effects of high-carvacrol oregano oil on rumen microbial fermentation, gas production, and methane production in vitro(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-08-26) Benchaar, Chaouki; Hassanat, FadiThe objective of this in vitro study was to assess the effects of high-carvacrol oregano oil (ORE; 50 g/kg oregano oil, 800-802 g/kg carvacrol), on microbial fermentation and CH4 production. In the experiment (a complete randomized block design), treatments included a negative control (CTL, no additive), a positive control (monensin, MON, 10 mg/L), and ORE (20, 40, 80, 120, 200, 160, and 1000 mg/L). Compared with CTL, MON shifted (pItem Open Access Effects of space allowance on behaviour during lairage, stress physiology, skin lesion scores and meat quality of market pigs transported in an actively-ventilated vehicle in the winter(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-10-14) Pasquale, Vanessa; Faucitano, Luigi; Devillers, Nicolas; Conte, Sabine; Bergeron, RenéeA total of 1,488 pigs were transported to slaughter using a mechanically-ventilated vehicle in the winter in Canada. On each of six journeys, a sub-sample of 78 pigs were randomly assigned to two space allowances (0.46 or 0.53 m2/pig), distributed across six compartments, in two positions (near-front and near-rear) and three deck levels (top, middle, and bottom). Compartment ambient conditions (e.g., T°C and RH%) were monitored during transport and pig behaviour was recorded during lairage. Blood lactate, hematocrit, creatine kinase (CK) concentrations and meat quality in the longissimus (LM), semimembranosus (SM), and adductor (AD) muscles were assessed on a total of 108 pigs. Pigs transported at 0.53 m2/pig had greater blood hematocrit levels (P = 0.05), but lower blood CK concentrations at slaughter (P = 0.01). The top deck was colder during all transport events (PItem Open Access Polysaccharide from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi alleviates ulcerative colitis in mice by maintaining the intestinal barrier integrity via MLC/Notch signaling(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-08-29) Xiao, Liang; Chen, Yongpo; Li, Xiaoqing; Li, Shuwei; Tang, Wenjie; Yan, Jiayou; Wei, Xiaolan; Zhou, Mengjia; Huang, Chongbo; Diao, HuiUlcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which seriously impacts human health. So far, little information has been reported on the possible benefits of polysaccharides from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (SBGP) in alleviating colitis. Therefore, our study investigated the potential therapeutic effects of SBGP on mice with DSS-induced colitis. Results showed that SBGP administration ameliorated the severity of clinical symptoms and enhanced immunomodulatory effects in DSS-treated mice. Additionally, SBGP was found to regulate the inflammatory response, improve mucosal barrier integrity, and maintain tight junctions in the colonic epithelium. Furthermore, SBGP was found to restrain the activation of Notch and MLCK/MLC signaling pathways, which play important roles in inflammation and epithelial barrier homeostasis. These findings suggest that SBGP may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of colitis and other IBD.Item Open Access Effects of cow feed efficiency, longevity, heterosis, and lifetime productivity on profitability of heifer selection and cow-calf operations(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-09-06) Khakbazan, Mohammad; Olson, Cameron; Block, Hushton C.; Li, Changxi; Basarab, John A.This study investigated factors influencing heifer replacement and cow-calf profitability using 361 cows (born 2011-2018) at the Lacombe Research and Development Centre, Alberta, Canada. Profitability was measured by marginal returns (MR) incorporating feed costs, heifer opportunity cost, calf and cull revenues, and a premium for cows retained in the herd. The study evaluated the linear effects of lifetime productivity, feed efficiency (residual feed intake adjusted for off-test backfat thickness; RFIfat), and genomic retained heterozygosity, an indicator of heterosis, on MR, feed costs, total costs, and net revenue (NR). Lifetime productivity, defined by the cumulative weight of calves weaned, was positively associated with MR and NR (PItem Open Access Comparative impact of conventional and alternative gut health management programs on plasma and tibia attributes in broiler chickens raised in commercial and research settings(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-07-20) Bean-Hodgins, Lisa; Mohammadigheisar , Mohsen; Edwards, A. Michelle; Kiarie, Elijah G.Plasma and tibia attributes were investigated in broiler chickens raised on three gut health management programs in commercial farms (study 1) and research station settings (study 2). The programs were: 1) conventional antibiotics (CON), 2) raised without medically important antimicrobials (RWMIA), and 3) raised without antibiotics (RWA). Birds had free access to feed and water from placement to harvest; samples of blood and left tibia were collected on d 28 in both studies and further samples were taken on d 41 in study 2. In both studies, there were no program differences (P > 0.05) on plasma metabolites with exception of enzyme concentrations with notably higher levels of circulating plasma alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in birds reared on the RWA program (P ≤ 0.04). Differences were observed among programs for tibia length in both studies (PItem Open Access Nutrient digestibility and availability of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), poultry by-product meal, and poultry viscera in female mink (Neovision vision) diets: Insights on the nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-08-21) Fong, Kiran; Collins, Stephanie AnneThis study measured the digestibility of crude protein, crude fat and dry matter in three protein sources: poultry by-product meal (PBPM), poultry viscera, and crushed mealworms using diatomaceous earth as an indicator. A control diet was made, and test diets were mixed in a 70:30 control diet:test ingredient ratio. Forty-four female mink housed in individual cages were fed experimental diets for five days, and fecal samples were collected and analyzed for nutrient residues compared to the diet composition to determine digestible nutrient levels. Mealworms had a greater dry matter digestibility (PItem Open Access Growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality in meat and dairy goat kids fed a concentrate-based diet or allotted to an intensive rotational grazing system(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-04-08) Brassard, Marie-Eve; Chouinard, P.Y.; Tremblay, Gaëtan; Gervais, Rachel; Pouliot, Eric; Tessier, L.; Gariepy, Claude; Cinq-Mars, DanyForty meat or dairy kids were blocked within breed according to body weight. Kids within each block were then randomly allotted to a concentrate-based diet or an intensive rotational grazing system. Kids fed the concentrate-based diet were offered hay ad libitum and fixed amounts of whole corn and soybean meal to meet the requirements for maintenance and daily gain. Grazing kids from each breed were stocked in groups and offered a new paddock every day. Dry matter intake was not different between breeds. Meat kids had a greater average daily gain than dairy kids but feeding treatments did not affect the growth rate. Dairy kids had greater anterior cuts (neck, shoulder), whereas meat kids tended to have greater posterior cuts (loin, leg). Meat kids accumulated more fat when they were fed concentrate in comparison with pasture, whereas this variable tended to be less influenced by dietary treatments in dairy kids. Meat of pasture-fed kids had greater Warner-Bratzler shear force and glycolytic potential, and lower ultimate pH than meat of concentrate-fed kids. The n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio of intramuscular fat was almost 4-fold greater in concentrate- then pasture-fed kids; this ratio was 1.4-fold greater in dairy than meat kids.Item Open Access Complete replacement of soybean meal with black soldier fly larvae meal in feeding program for broiler chickens from placement through to 49 days of age: impact on gastrointestinal, breast, skeletal, plasma, and litter attributes(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-06-12) Facey, Hannah; Kithama, Munene; Mohammadigheisar , Mohsen; Barbut, Shai; Huber, Lee-Anne; Shoveller , Anna K; Kiarie, Elijah G.We previously reported that high levels (≥50%) of black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFLM) reduced growth and altered organs morphology in broiler chickens. We further examined gastrointestinal, breast, bone, plasma, and litter attributes in broiler chickens fed partial to complete replacement of soybean meal (SBM) with BSFLM. A total of 1,152 d-old Ross × Ross 708 male chicks (n=8) were allocated to 48 pens and assigned one of six diets: a basal corn-SBM diet (0BSFLM), four diets in which SBM in 0BSFLM was replaced with BSFLM at 12.5, 25, 50, and 100% (12.5BSFLM, 25BSFLM, 50BSFLM, 100BSFLM) and a final diet (0+AGP) in which 0BSFLM was fed with coccidiostat and antibiotic. Birds were bled for plasma and necropsied for samples. Litter samples were collected on d 45 to 47. Breast weight, woody breast, and hardness scores and tibia morphometry reduced linearly in response to BSFLM inclusion (PItem Open Access Genomic regions underlying variation in wattles, horns and supernumerary teats phenotypes in Egyptian goats(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-07-01) Sallam, Ahmed M.AGoats play a crucial role in providing humans with various types of valuable products including milk and meat. The underlying genetic mechanisms of important morphological aspects remain largely unknown in goats, highlighting the need for further investigation. A genome-wide association analysis (GWAS) was conducted for three morphological phenotypes in Egyptian goats. All animals were genotyped using the Illumina 65K SNP BeadChips. Results of GWAS for wattles identified two significant (P ≤ 1.4x10-6, FDR ≤ 0.05) single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on chromosome 10 within a region (72-74 Mb) containing FMN1 and GREM1 genes that are important for limb development and growth. For horns, three significant SNPs were identified on chromosome 1 (119-131 Mb) harboring candidate genes for embryonic development and tissue differentiation, such as CEP70, DZIP1L, CLDN18, SOX14 and SLC35G2. For supernumerary teats, four significant SNPs located on chromosomes 25 (8.7 Mb), 9 (47.8 Mb), 17 (45.1 Mb) and 28 (6.7 Mb) were identified, harboring candidate genes involved in morphogenesis and reproductive traits such as EMP2, MDN1, PCDH10 and GHITM. This study identified novel candidate genes alongside previously reported ones in other goat breeds, suggesting their potential as candidate genes for the studied traits in Egyptian goats.Item Open Access Effects of an inoculant containing Lentilactobacillus hilgardii (CNCM-I-4785) on the microbiome, fermentation, and aerobic stability of corn silage stored for long-term at different incubation temperatures(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-05-06) Drouin, Pascal; da Silva, Erica Benjamin; Scuderi, Richard Anthony; Tremblay, Julien; Castex, Mathieu; Apper, EmmanuelleWhole-plant corn untreated (Control) or treated with an inoculant (Lentilactobacillus buchneri, Lentilactobacillus hilgardii, and Pediococcus pentosaceus, INO) was ensiled for 210 d in mini-silos at constant (MS-C) or variable temperature (MS-V) or for 220 d in bunkers. Bunker samples were collected at 50 (D50) and 150 (D150) cm below silo surface. Samples from MS-V and MS-C had similar pH and concentrations of lactic acid, propionic acid, 1,2-propanediol, and ethanol, but different acetic acid content (P = 0.009). Additionally, MS-V exhibited greater bacterial (P = 0.002) and fungal (P = 0.011) richness than MS-C. Inoculation decreased (PItem Open Access Evaluating the effects of red osier dogwood extract and grape pomace on growth performance, plasma biochemistry, intestinal morphology and microbiota, and immune and antioxidant status of broiler chickens challenged with heat stress(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-05-01) Oretomiloye, Fisayo; Adewole, Deborah288 one-day-old Ross 308 broiler chicks were randomly allotted into 4 dietary treatments; 1)Control (CON; corn-wheat-soybean based diet), 2)CON + 0.05% bacitracin methylene disalicylate (BMD), 3)CON + 0.3% ROD, and 4)CON + 2.5% GP and raised for 28 d. On d 21-27, birds were exposed to either a thermoneutral (TN; 24°C±1) or heat stress (HS; 32-34°C for 8 hr/day). On d 28, twelve male birds per treatment/temperature group were euthanized for measuring blood and intestinal health parameters. 0.05% BMD and 0.3% ROD inclusion improved (P ≤ 0.05) the ABWG and FCR, compared to CON. HS reduced (P ≤ 0.05) AFI, bursa and spleen weights, plasma ALT, lipase, and CK but increased (P ≤ 0.05) ALP, serum immunoglobulins compared to TN birds. HS further reduced (P ≤ 0.05) duodenal VH:CD, jejunal VH and VH:CD but this was reversed by ROD and GP. 0.05% BMD and 2.5% GP increased (PItem Open Access Safety and Efficacy of Hemp-Derived Products in Animal Feeds – A Narrative Review(Canadian Science Publishing, 2024-05-05) Mohamed, Neijat; House, J. D.The current interest in hemp is not limited to the medicinal use for humans, it is also gaining attention as a valuable feed ingredient for animals. For instance, the processing of whole hemp seed (HS) for the extraction of the oil can result in various feed materials for animals, including HS hulls (HH), dehulled HS, HS oil (HO), and HS cake/meal (HC/HM). However, currently, HS-derived products are not approved as feed ingredients in Canada, in part, because the safety and efficacy of these derivatives, like other jurisdictions, require certification by regulatory bodies for their use in animal feeds. In this context, this document reviews previous studies testing the application of hemp-derived products in various animal feeds including poultry, swine, ruminants, as well as in aquaculture production to support their safety and efficacy. Furthermore, the document attempts to review available data on the transfer of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC; the psychoactive component) into animal products. Hence, the aim of this work is to support future policy directions and guidelines for the application of various hemp-derived products in animal feeds.