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Item Open Access Genomic prediction of breed composition and heterosis effects in Angus, Charolais and Hereford crosses using 50K genotypes(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-11-07) Akanno, Everestus Chima; Chen, Liuhong; Abo-Ismail, Mohammed Kotb; Crowley, John; Wang, Zhiquan; Li, Changxi; Basarab, John; MacNeil, Michael; Plastow, GrahamThis study examined the feasibility and accuracy of using Illumina BovineSNP50 genotypes to estimate individual cattle breed composition and heterosis relative to estimates from pedigree. First, pedigree was used to compute breed fractions for 1,124 crossbred cattle. Given the breed composition of sires and dams, retained heterosis and retained heterozygosity was computed for all individuals. Second, all animalsâ genotypes were used to compute individualâ s genomic breed fractions by applying a cross-validation method. Average genome-wide heterozygosity and retained heterozygosity based on genomic breed fraction was computed. Lastly, accuracies of breed composition, retained heterozygosity and retained heterosis were assessed as Pearsonâ s correlation between pedigree- and genome-based predictions. The average breed composition observed were 0.52 Angus, 0.23 Charolais and 0.25 Hereford for pedigree-based and 0.46, 0.26, 0.28 for genome-based predictions, respectively. Correlations of predicted breed composition ranged from 0.94 to 0.96. Genome-based retained heterozygosity and retained heterosis from pedigree were also highly correlated (0.96). A positive association of non-additive genetic effects was observed for growth traits reflecting the importance of heterosis for these traits. Genomic prediction can aid analyses that depend on knowledge of breed composition and serve as a reliable method to predict heterosis to improve the efficiency of commercial crossbreeding schemes.Item Open Access Digestibility and growth performance of feedlot cattle fed pelleted grain screenings(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-12-06) Jancewicz, Larisa J; Gibb, Darryl; Swift, Mary Lou; Penner, Greg; McAllister, Tim AngusThe impact of two different grain screening pellets (GSP) on the chemical profile of feces, feed digestibility, growth performance and carcass traits of feedlot heifers was measured. Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was used to predict differences in the chemical composition and energy content of GSP and feces. Heifers (445 Âą 35.5 kg) were allocated to 15 pens (10 heifers/pen) and offered three diets 1) 76% barley grain (DM basis; control); 2) light screening pellets (LSP) and 3) heavy screening pellets (HSP), where GSP replaced 20% barley grain. In controls, fecal starch tended to be higher (P = 0.09) and NDF lower (PItem Open Access Digestibility and performance of feeder lambs fed mixed barley grain – barley silage diets with varieties of barley silage selected on the basis of in vitro neutral detergent fibre degradability.(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-11-26) Preston, Natalie; Huenerberg, Martin; Silva, Thadeu M; Nair, Jayakrishnan; Yu, Peiqiang; Christensen, David; McKinnon, John; McAllister, Tim AngusBarley silage varieties ranked based on in vitro NDF digestibility (NDFD) of commercial silage samples were designated as high (H-NDFD, CDC Cowboy), intermediate (I-NDFD, CDC Copeland), and low NDFD (L-NDFD, Xena) and assessed in digestibility and lamb performance experiments. A replicated 3 x 3 Latin square digestibility experiment fed 50:50 silage:concentrate diets (DM basis) to nine rumen fistulated wethers. A growth study used 42 lambs fed 40:60 silage:concentrate diets (DM basis) with carcass traits being assessed in 21 ram lambs. In vitro NDFD of silages did not coincide with the ranking of field silage samples. Intake and digestibility in wethers did not differ (P > 0.05) among varieties. Mean rumen pH was lower (P > 0.05) for wethers fed L-NDFD than H-NDFD, with rumen pH of wethers fed L-NDFD spending more (PItem Open Access Relative contribution of breed, slaughter weight, sex and diet to the fatty acid composition of differentiated pork(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-12-11) Juarez, M.; Dugan, M. E.R.; Lopez-Campos, Oscar; Prieto, Nuria; Uttaro, Bethany; Gariépy, C.; Aalhus, J. LThe objective of this study was to investigate the relative contribution of breed composition, slaughter weight, sex, diet and their interactions to the fatty acid composition of intramuscular and subcutaneous fat of pigs. Sires from Duroc, Lacombe and Iberian breeds were crossed to Large WhiteĂ Landrace dams and offspring (barrows and gilts) were randomly allocated into three feeding groups (Control, Canola or Flax) three weeks before slaughter, aiming at slaughter weights of either 115 or 135 kg. In intramuscular fat, dietary treatment (88.7%) was responsible for most of the explained variability observed in 18:3n-3 (0.76), followed by breed and the breedĂ diet interaction. In subcutaneous fat, the same factors contributed for the explained variance in 18:3 n-3 (0.84) in a similar order. Furthermore, diet contributed more than 94% to the explained variability observed in n-6/n-3 (0.90). On the other hand, both for the intramuscular and subcutaneous fat, breed was the most influential factor (68.9/68.2%, respectively) for the explained variance in 18:2n-6 (0.38/0.59, respectively). Both sex and slaughter weight also had significant effects (PItem Open Access Crucial genes at the onset of lactation revealed by transcriptome screening of Domestic Yak mammary gland(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-12-12) Wang, Yu; Zhu, Jiangjiang; Cai, Haoyang; Yang, Yuanxiao; Jiang, MingfengAt the onset of lactation, there are three distinct stages of mammary tissue development and function including mammogenesis, colostrogenesis, and lactogenesis. The mechanism of the transition from colostrogenesis to lactogenesis of Maiwa Yak is still unknown. In this study, mammary tissues from three Maiwa yaks were collected at 1 and 30 d after parturition for transcriptome exploring using Affymetrix Bovine Genome Arrays. Comparing with the 30 d a total of 517 annotated differentially expressed genes (DEG) were identified at the criteria of a p-value ≤ 0.05. The ratio of up-regulated genes to the down-regulated ones was around 1:2 (more specifically, 164:353). To depict the profile of DEG, a Dynamic Impact Approach (DIA) was used to analyse the microarray data based on Gene Ontology (GO) and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) databases. GO terms ‘fatty acid transport’ and ‘monocarboxylic acid transport’ were significantly induced at colostrum period. The strongly impacted KEGG pathways were ‘Chondroitin sulfate biosynthesis’, ‘Glycosphingolipid biosynthesis’ and ’Glycerolipid metabolism’. These data may provide candidate genes with a high probability of having functional roles in regulating the transition from the colostrum to the normal milk in domestic yak mammary gland.Item Open Access SHORT COMMUNICATION: Impact of low- and medium-oil corn dried distillers’ grains plus solubles on growth performance of feedlot cattle(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-12-05) Ribeiro Jr., Gabriel O; Huenerberg, Martin; Gibb, Darryl; McAllister, Tim AngusDuring backgrounding, low-oil dried corn distillersâ grains plus solubles (LO-DDGS) resulted in higher DM intake (P=0.002) and increased ADG (P=0.03) in steers compared to medium-oil (MO) DDGS. Inclusion of 20% DDGS tended (P=0.06) to increase ADG compared to 10% DDGS. During finishing, MO-DDGS improved (P=0.03) feed efficiency compared to LO-DDGS.Item Open Access Maize replacement with sorghum and a combination of protease, xylanase and phytase on performance, nutrient utilization, litter moisture and digestive organ size in broiler chicken(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-11-19) Pasquali, Guilherme; Fascina, Vitor; Silva, Amanda; Aoyagi, Monica; Muro, Everton; Serpa, Paola; Berto, Daniella; Saldanha, Érika; Sartori, JoséWe investigated the effects of a combination of protease, xylanase and phytase in maize- or sorghum-based diets for broilers. Two experiments were conducted with male chicks randomly distributed in a 3Ă 2 factorial arrangement with three replacement levels of maize with sorghum (0%, 50% and 100%) with or without enzymes. In the first trial, 1,152 chicks were allotted to 36 floor pens to determine performance, relative organ weight and litter moisture. A second trial was performed with 150 and 120 chicks allotted in 30 cages with five and four broilers per cage to determine nutrient and energy utilization from 11 to 21 and from 25 to 35 days, respectively. Enzyme supplementation improved bodyweight gain and feed conversion ratio. Total maize replacement with sorghum compromised bodyweight gain from 1 to 14 and 1 to 35 days. Nitrogen retention was reduced by partial and total maize replacement with sorghum at starter phase and by total replacement at grower phase. Enzyme supplementation improved nitrogen retention at starter phase and AMEn at starter and grower phases. Therefore, partial maize replacement with sorghum is viable and on top application of an enzyme blend containing protease, xylanase and phytase improves performance and nutrient retention of broilers.Item Open Access Ensiling barley cultivars selected for varied levels of in vitro neutral detergent fiber digestibility in mini- and bunker-silos to evaluate effects on fermentation.(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-09-02) Preston, Natalie; Nair, Jayakrishnan; Yu, Peiqiang; Christensen, David; McKinnon, John; McAllister, TimThirty hour in vitro NDF digestibility (NDFD) of three barley cultivars; Cowboy (High, H-NDFD), Copeland (Intermediate, I-NDFD), and Xena (Low, L-NDFD) was ranked from 80 commercial silage samples. Cultivars were seeded on the same day, harvested at mid-dough and ensiled in mini- or bunker-silos. Mini-silos were sequentially opened over 60 d and d 60 samples were exposed to air for 21 d. Bunker-silos were sampled after 60 d. Cultivars did not differ in NDFD, while terminal pH was lower (PItem Open Access Impact of spraying incubated eggs submitted to high temperature with ascorbic acid on embryonic development, hatchability and some physiological responses of hatched chicks(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-08-16) Abuoghaba, Ahmed AbdelkareemThree hundred and sixty Hubbard eggs were divided into two equal groups. In the 1st group, eggs were incubated at 37.5ºC up to 19 day, while those in the 2nd group were incubated at the same degree except three days (6,7 and 8d) and exposed to 40.0ºC for 3hrs. Eggs were equally classified into three ascorbic acid/AA treatments. The first one was sprayed with distilled water (control), while the 2nd and 3rd treatments were sprayed with same solution but containing 20 and 30g AA/L, respectively. The highest embryo weight (EW/g) and lowest yolk sac weight (YSW/g) were obtained in the chronic group (P≤0.05). Embryonic mortalities were significantly (P≤0.05) increased, while the hatchability was significantly decreased in the chronic compared to control group. Chick weight (g), glucose and triiodothyronine (T3) levels were significantly lower (P≤0.05) in the chronic compared to control group. H/L ratio was significantly (P≤0.01) affected by incubation temperature. Body weight (g) and percentages of liver, spleen and bursa of fabricius were significantly (P≤0.05) lower of broilers in the chronic compared to control group. Referring to AA treatment, embryo weights (g) were not affected, whereas YSW/g, PCV/%, RBCs (106) and H/L ratio and bursa percentage were significantly (P≤0.05) affected.Item Open Access Analysis of validated and population specific SNP parentage panels in pedigreed and commercial beef cattle populations(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-11-18) Buchanan, Justin; Woronuk, Grant N.; Marquess, Leigh; Lang, Kevin; James, Steven; Deobald, Heather; Welly, Bryan T.; Van Eenennaam, Alison L.A pedigreed population containing 71 calves and 8 sires was used to compare sire qualification using three genotyping platforms (14 microsatellite, real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR), and 100, 200, 500, and 1,000 SNP arrays). Parentage was also qualified in an unknown-pedigree population containing 8,480 calves with 460 sires using SNP arrays. The three platforms qualified the true sire in the known-pedigree population with zero mismatches. The 100 and 200 SNP arrays yielded specificities of 0.92 and 0.99 with a 1% mismatch rate in the known-pedigree population, respectively. In the larger population, SNP panels of the 500 and 1,000 highest minor allele frequency SNPs were also evaluated. The 1,000 SNP panel qualified paternity to a single sire for 82.1% of calves with 1 or 2 % mismatches. Not all commercial sires were genotyped which accounts for missing paternity for some calves. In this larger population, the 100 SNP array qualified multiple sires to 0.42% of calves and single sires to 81.6% of calves without mismatches. The 200 SNP array assigned unique paternity, and 79.8% of calves were qualified to a sire without mismatches. With a 2% mismatch rate, sire qualifications agreed with the 1,000 SNP array. This study highlights the interplay between population size, genotyping error rates, and the specificity and sensitivity of parentage platforms.Item Open Access Spermatogenesis and cellular associations in the seminiferous epithelium of Guinea cock (Numida meleagris)(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-09-06) Abdul-Rahman, Ibn Iddriss; Obese, F.Y.; Robinson, J.E.The study describes the steps of spermiogenesis and stages of seminiferous epithelial cycle in breeding guinea cocks. Epoxy resin embedded sections were employed for the determination of the stages of seminiferous epithelial cycle in the guinea fowl. Acrosomic granules aided in identifying the initial steps of spermiogenesis, while nuclear morphological changes facilitated the identification of subsequent stages. Eleven steps of spermiogenesis and 9 stages of seminiferous epithelium were recognised in the guinea fowl testis. Three spermatogonial types, namely, spermatogonial A, B and intermediate types were identified in the guinea fowl seminiferous epithelium. Spermatogonial A and preleptotene spermatocytes had the largest (pItem Open Access Efficacy of Pea Protein Isolate-Alginate Encapsulation on Viability of a Probiotic Bacterium in the Porcine Digestive Tract(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-10-08) Wang, Jing; Nickerson, Micheal; Low, Nicholas H.; Van Kessel, AndrewThe aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of pea protein isolate-alginate capsules (PPCs) on probiotic viability during transit of the porcine gastrointestinal tract. A Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 53608 isolate selected for rifampin plus streptomycin resistance (LRR) was encapsulated in a pea protein isolate and alginate (LRR-PPC) using an extrusion and cross-linking method prior to freeze drying. An in vitro study in simulated gastric juice showed that encapsulation increased (PItem Open Access Plasma leptin as a predictor for carcass fatness in growing lambs(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-10-04) Kuźnicka, Ewa; Gabryszuk, Mirosław; Kunowska-Slósarz, Małgorzata; Gołębiewski, Marcin; Balcerak, MarekThe experiment was conducted on 30 single born Polish Merino ram-lambs. At the age of 112 d 10 ram lambs were slaughtered at 20 kg (group 1), 25 kg (group 2) and 30 kg (group 3) live weight. Lambs slaughtered at 30 kg live weight had higher plasma Leptin concentration than that of lambs slaughtered at 20 kg and 25 kg weights. The differences between group 1 vs. 3 and 2 vs. 3 were statistically significant (pItem Open Access The influence of pregnancy and plane of nutrition during pregnancy on pancreatic digestive enzymes and insulin-containing cell cluster morphology in beef cows(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-08-16) Awda, Basim; Wood, Katie M.; Keomanivong, Faithe; Borowicz, Pawel; McBride, Brian; Miller, Stephen P.; Fitzsimmons, Carolyn; Swanson, KendallTo determine effects of pregnancy (Experiment 1) and plane of nutrition during pregnancy (Experiment 2) on pancreatic digestive enzymes and morphology of insulin-containing cell clusters, beef cows were slaughtered and the pancreas collected 4 wk before parturition (if pregnant or similar time on feed for non-pregnant cows). In Experiment 1, mature, non-lactating cows (717 ± 70 kg; 9 pregnant [PREG] and 9 non-pregnant [OPEN]) were used. In Experiment 2, non-lactating, pregnant cows (639 ± 68 kg) were fed at 85% (n = 11; LOW) or 140% (n = 11; HIGH) of NE requirements. Concentration (U/g) and content (U/kg BW) of α-amylase and trypsin activity were greater (P ≤ 0.05) in OPEN than PREG cows. Pregnant cows had greater (P ≤ 0.03) insulin-cell cluster size and proportion of large insulin-containing cell clusters than OPEN cows. Concentration and content of α-amylase activity was greater (P ≤ 0.04) in HIGH than LOW cows. These data indicate that pregnancy status (PREG vs. OPEN) impacts pancreatic exocrine and endocrine function and that plane of nutrition (85 vs 140% of NE requirements) of pregnant cows may not greatly impact pancreatic exocrine and endocrine function.Item Open Access Factors associated with serum vitamin A and E concentrations in beef calves from Alberta and Saskatchewan and the relationship between vitamin concentrations and calf health outcomes(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-06-17) Waldner, Cheryl; Uehlinger, FabienneThe study objectives were to identify factors associated with serum vitamin A and E concentrations in beef calvesItem Open Access Development of NIRS calibrations to estimate fecal composition and nutrient digestibility in beef cattle.(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-07-21) Jancewicz, Larisa J.; Swift, Mary Lou; Penner, Greg; Beauchemin, Karen; Koenig, K.; Chibisa, Gwinyai; He, M.; McKinnon, John; Yang, WenZhu; McAllister, Tim AngusFeces from cattle fed 65 different diets and from 23 digestibility studies were used to develop near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) calibrations to predict fecal composition [organic matter (OM), starch, nitrogen (N), neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), and crude fat (CF)] and digestibility [DM, OM, starch, crude protein (CP), NDF, ADF, and gross energy (GE)]. The prediction of these parameters in feces collected from cattle fed wheat or barley grain (89% of diet DM) with barley silage (study 1), or barley grain diets containing varying levels of barley silage (study 2) was assessed. Validations for feces composition displayed moderate to excellent linearity (R2val>0.70) for OM, starch, N, NDF, and ADL, and poor linearity for ADF and CF (R2val =0.25). When both digestibility and feedlot datasets were combined, cross-validation for fecal composition found accurate predictions (R2CV > 0.90, SECVItem Open Access Apical Na+-dependent neutral amino acid exchanger ASCT2 (ATB0) and mTOR-signaling components are expressed along the entire jejunal crypt-villus axis in young pigs fed a liquid milk replacer(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-07-06) Yang, Chengbo; Yang, Xiaojian; Fan, Ming Z.The Na+-dependent neutral amino acid (AA) exchanger ASCT2 (ATB0) plays an important role for the apical exchange of large neutral AA, and is essential to maintain gut mucosal growth. Objectives of this study were to investigate expression of ASCT2/ATB0 (SLC1A5) and key mTOR-signaling components in epithelia along the jejunal crypt-villus axis in young pigs fed a liquid milk replacer. Real time RT-PCR analyses showed that the ASCT2/ATB0 (SLC1A5) mRNA abundance was higher (PItem Open Access Effect of feed with Pittosporum undulatum in vivo on bovine progesterone levels and embryos produced in vitro(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-08-30) Nunes, Helder; Faheem, Marwa; Dinis, Marleen; Borba, Alfredo; Moreira da Silva, F.Feeding ruminants with Pittosporum undulatum can adversely affect the immune, endocrine and reproductive systems. The aim of the present study was to evaluate how feeding with P. undulatum alters progesterone levels during the oestrus cycle, and fertilization and development of oocytes after in vitro fertilization (IVF). Heifers were fed a diet containing (n=4) or not containing (n=4) this plant. Peripheral blood samples were collected every three days and progesterone levels were analysed by ELISA. The heifers’ ovaries were recovered after slaughter and the oocytes were removed, maturated, in vitro fertilized and cultured for seven days, during which time their development was evaluated every two days. Results indicated that plasma concentrations of progesterone during the oestrus cycle were significantly higher (pItem Open Access Dairy cow preference for outdoor access during winter under Eastern Canada climatic conditions(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-07-14) Shepley, Elise; Bergeron, Renée; Bécotte, François; Vasseur, ElsaCows on 2 separate farms were submitted to a 6-d preference test, repeated 4 times, consisting of three 2-d phases (3 h/d/phase): forced-indoor, forced-outdoor and free-choice. A majority of cows on both farms chose to be outdoors for at least 1 h. Previous experience may have contributed to outdoor preference.Item Open Access A Nutritional Evaluation of Common Barley Varieties Grown for Silage by Beef and Dairy Producers in Western Canada(Canadian Science Publishing, 2016-05-31) Nair, Jayakrishnan; Christensen, David; Yu, Peiqiang; Beattie, Aaron; McAllister, Tim Angus; Damiran, Daalkhaijav; Preston, Natalie; Fuhr, Leland; McKinnon, JohnThis study evaluated the nutritional and neutral detergent fiber digestibility (NDFD) characteristics of seven barley varieties (Conlon, CDC Copeland, CDC Cowboy, Falcon, Legacy, AC Metcalfe and Xena) grown for silage. Commercial samples (N = 80) harvested at the mid-dough stage were collected over two years (2012 and 2013). Average pH and dry matter (DM) content were 4.05 Âą 0.17 and 36.8 Âą 4.1%. AC Metcalfe had higher (P